*~* Please excuse the mess as I figure the new layout *~*

Monday, June 20, 2011

Happy Monday Everyone!

Today I have the wonderful YA Author Shelley Workinger with a Guest Post + Giveaway as part of her Book Tour over at my Group Blog Book Lovers Inc.!

Stop by to check it out and enter to win a final copy + bookmark of  her upcoming release Settling

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Skyrockets In Flight Blog Hop Delight - Sign Ups O...


Skyrockets In Flight Blog Hop Delight

July 4th - 10th

Hosted By:

 Bells of HangingWithBells

 Danielle of Lush Book Reviews

What - Skyrockets In Flight Blog Hop Delight
When - 12:01 AM July 4th until 11:59 PM July 10th
Where - All around the blogging world!

How this will work:

~Each blog participating is hosting a giveaway of their own. Their is no minimum to participate , and your giveaway can be anything you would like. Books, bookmarks , swag, coffees, teas, hand made crafts, anything you would like.

Welcome to JoJos YA Corner

 Welcome to JoJos Ya Corner!

I have recently started reading more and more YA, books but have decided my regular blog http://www.jojosbookcorner.com/  may not be the best place to share some of this. I do love my blog but it probably is not the best place for some YA readers to go. So I have started JoJos Ya Corner. Now its still in the works, and will only have posts to it as YA things come along. Hopefully more and more as time goes by. But I have some reviews, and guest post in the works right now, so I do hope you deside to stay around!

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